Louisiana Academy of Sleep Medicine

Mission Statement

To further the understanding of sleep and sleep disorders, 
to provide a forum for communication and education of sleep professionals,
 and to promulgate the highest standards for polysomnograpy and the clinical diagnosis and
 treatment of sleep disorders, for the people of Louisiana
2023 Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor
Rep. Callie Jones

React Health
Platinum Sponsor
Rep. Cain Thomas
Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Platinum Sponsor
Rep. Alison Mouton

Silver Sponsors
Silver Sponsor
Rep. Judson Willard

Bronze Sponsors
Fisher & Paykel
Bronze Sponsor
Rep. Frank Mule
Bronze Sponsor
Rep. Dustin Gould
Rep. Deanna Barkocy
Sleep Speciality Management
Bronze Sponsor
Rep. Bryan Hanaki
Rep. Kim Roberts 
Inspire Medical Systems
Bronze Sponsor
Rep. Sammi Lund
Rep. Christian Sager
Rep. Jordyn Awbery
Nox Medical 
Rep. Chris Speigner
Prosomnus Sleep Technologies 
Rep. Kevin Cao
Rep. Janis Bourriague
Lecture Break Sponsor
Focus Sleep Center 
Rep. Sherri Hanson