Louisiana Academy of Sleep Medicine

Mission Statement

To further the understanding of sleep and sleep disorders, 
to provide a forum for communication and education of sleep professionals,
 and to promulgate the highest standards for polysomnograpy and the clinical diagnosis and
 treatment of sleep disorders, for the people of Louisiana
LASM Membership 
Organizational Memberships
have been updated with the new bylaws approved in December 2020.

Annual Membership dues are Due
Membership Year is from October - September.
Organizational Members

Organizational Members shall include businesses, hospitals, industries, and other organizations that wish to further the objectives of the LASM and are approved for membership by the membership committee and the LASM Board of Directors.  Organizational members shall have no voting rights.
Organizational Membership Benefits

Membership in the LASM for one individual

Listing on the LASM membership roster & website

Sleep related job posting on the LASM web page & in the newsletter