Louisiana Academy of Sleep Medicine

Mission Statement

To further the understanding of sleep and sleep disorders, 
to provide a forum for communication and education of sleep professionals,
 and to promulgate the highest standards for polysomnograpy and the clinical diagnosis and
 treatment of sleep disorders, for the people of Louisiana
 is not subject to the Open Meetings Law. However, If you are interested in attending any of our meetings, Just contact us for more information.
LASM Board of Directors
2022 4th Quarter Meeting 
will be on December 7th at 5 pm on Zoom

If you would like to attend, please email us at LA.AcademySleepMed@gmail.com for more information.
President  - Mohammad Cheema, MD (2021-2022)

President Elect - Fr. Wade S. J. Young, LRPSGT, RST (2022)

Past - President- Vacant

Secretary - Rachel Kinnerson, LRPSGT (2022-2024)

Treasurer - Lori Speyrer, BS (2022-2024)

Director at Large A1 - K. McLaughlin, MD (2022-2024)

Director at Large B1 - Joshua Johnson, LRPSGT (2022-2024)

Director at Large A2 - Supat Thammasitboon, MD (2022-2024)

Director at Large C1 - James Moreau, DDS (2022)(Interim)

Director at Large D1 - James Connolly, MD (2020-2022)

Committee Chairpersons & Members

Join a Committee.
  It's a great way to work up to being a 
Board Member

New Committee Members to be appointed
after the 2021 Meeting
{Elections/Nominations Committee} elections@lasmnet.org
Sean Thompson (Chairperson)
Angela Richardson
James Connolly 
{Judicial Committee} 
{Education/Planning Committee} 
{Publications Committee} 
{Membership Committee}